Belize is a country located in Central America and has the Caribbean Sea as its eastern border. Its history is unique, having been ruled by England until September 1981, when it was called British Honduras. It is the only country in Central America in which the official language is English.
The Belize Service Learning trip is a 7-day activity that occurs every December immediately after the end of the Fall semester.
The purpose of this service learning trip is to provide students with opportunities to gain an appreciation for social responsibility, global awareness, and personal and professional development. This is accomplished through community service, cultural experiences, and intercultural learning.
Students will travel throughout Belize, including Belize City and Mayopan, while working with various non-profit organizations to provide service to community centers, orphanages, local schools, and other community advocacy groups.
This trip will also afford the students the opportunity to participate in activities that will enable them to learn the local history of the country and experience the local culture.